Fresh scars are all kinds of bothersome - the tenderness, the endless itching, and that oh-so-conspicuous shade of red. While the tenderness and itchiness tend to be short-lived, the redness always sticks around for much longer - but how long exactly?
Luckily for you, researchers have pondered this as well, and have done the legwork! This process takes seven months on average, but can be influenced by the type of wound and position1.
This is because redness on a fresh scar is caused by blood vessels underneath the injured area, which help to bring the oxygen and nutrients necessary for wound healing.2 After the wound heals, the blood vessels are no longer needed and will be removed by the body, gradually reducing the redness3.
If you can't wait seven months for the redness to fade on its own, you can speed up the process with Dermatix® Ultra, which has been shown to effectively reduce scar redness.4
Improved erythema after 90 days

Scar discolouration doesn't end here, however. After the redness fades, your skin will tend to leave behind dark marks that, unlike redness, will not go away with time.5 Thankfully, Dermatix® Ultra is also effective at reducing scar discolouration.6

So if you're worried about your scar staying red or discoloured, don't fret - just apply Dermatix Ultra twice daily over your scar to minimise visible scarring!