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Preparing for your C-section

Getting ready for a C-section delivery can be nerve-wrecking. Are there any additional preparations you need to do the night before, and what extra items do you need to bring with you to the hospital? Use this handy checklist to help you ready your home and pack your hospital bag!1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Things to do before checking in to the hospital

As moving around will be difficult for a few weeks after your C-section delivery, you will need to make extra preparations beforehand to make life easier for you post-delivery.


  • Arrange for someone to help you out at home at least for the first two weeks after.
  • Move things closer to your bed and sofa so you don't have to get up so much.
  • Prep and freeze meals for the next few days so you don't have to cook.
  • Purchase some cotton maternity bras and a breastfeeding pillow.
  • Stock up on paracetamol, maternity pads and breast pads.
  • Take a shower before going to the hospital.
  • Don't eat or drink anything six to eight hours before your C-section - not even water.
  • Get loose cotton pants that are high enough to cover your C-section wound.
  • Shaving or waxing will make changing the wound dressing less uncomfortable.
  • Grab a tube of Dermatix® Ultra, a silicone gel scar treatment, so you can begin treating your C-section scar once the stitches come off.

Important items to pack for C-section mums

The following items are must-haves for your hospital stay as a C-section mum, because you will not only be recovering from delivery, but also a major operation.


  • Backless slip-on slippers that are easy to put on, as bending down to put on footwear will be difficult.
  • Nappy sacks to make it easy for you to dispose of used items without having to move around too much.
  • A lightweight, dark coloured dressing gown to hide stains, as you will be bleeding and leaking for a few days after delivery.
  • Bendy straws as it will be hard to sit up and drink with a fresh C-section wound.
  • Fibre-rich snacks to help ease constipation, because you don't want to be pushing too hard before your wound closes properly.
  • Baby wipes to help you stay fresh, because you may find it inconvenient to walk to the bathroom.
  • Several pairs of high-waisted cotton undergarments, as regular ones may rub on your wound.


What should be in the rest of your hospital bag

Don't forget to pack these other commonly-needed items,
because you'll need them too.


  • Your phone and charger with a long charging cable.
  • A camera if you want your birth partner to take photos or film the birth.
  • Maternity pads, lots of them.
  • Slightly oversized nursing bras, as your breasts will grow bigger when milk comes in.
  • Lots of breast pads.
  • Purified lanolin ointment for your nipples, in case they get sore from breastfeeding.
  • A wrap or shawl in case you get chilly.
  • Lip balm and moisturiser.
  • A washbag containing towels, hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, shower gel and shampoo.
  • Eye masks and earplugs, if you're a light sleeper.
  • A couple of loose-fitting, short-sleeved nightshirts.
  • Comfortable, loose clothing to wear when you can get up and move about.

What your baby will need

You won't be leaving the maternity ward for quite a while after your
C-section, so make sure to pack for your newborn as well!


  • Around five sleepsuits.
  • 12 disposable nappies per day.
  • Muslin squares to mop up milk.
  • Pairs of socks or booties.
  • A couple of hats - your baby will lose a lot of heat through his/her head.
  • An outfit to go home in.
  • A baby blanket in case it gets chilly when you leave.
  • Scratch mittens to prevent your baby from accidentally scratching himself/herself.
  • Disposable change mats to cut down bedding changes.
  • A baby car seat, if you are heading home in a car.

Last but not least, once you're home with your newborn and your
C-section incision has healed, don't forget to treat your scar with Dermatix® Ultra, our clinically-proven silicone gel scar treatment!

Lightens, softens and flattens scars
Easy to apply, quick drying and odourless
Innovative CPX Silicone technology and Vitamin C Ester formulation