Let's face it - few things ruin a morning more than waking up and seeing new acne and acne scars in the mirror. With new acne and acne scars popping up every week, it might seem like a losing battle without a treatment that works just as quickly to remove acne scars.
If you're looking for a perfect overnight cure, we've got bad news. Such a treatment doesn't exist, and there's a good reason for it. Most permanent acne scar reduction treatments such as microneedling and laser resurfacing rely on triggering or supporting your body's healing processes, which takes time to repair your skin.
But what about fillers? Fillers don't require months to have a visible effect, but most fillers are not permanent, and the permanent fillers available can have undesired side effects such as severe bruising, redness, lumpiness.1
Even though your acne scars cannot be fixed overnight, they can be reduced quickly - in as little as a month - with Dermatix® Acne Scar. Formulated with proven ingredients, clinical studies have shown that Dermatix® Acne Scar visibly reduces acne scars and redness in 72% of users after four weeks.2
Slide to see the scar before and after treatment with Dermatix
Before treatment
Slide to see the scar before and after treatment with Dermatix
After treatment
And it's easy to achieve these results. Simply cleanse your face and apply Dermatix® Acne Scar to your affected areas twice a day, once in the morning and once before you go to bed - your skin will be clearer and smoother in no time at all!